Build Your Perch Box
What is your bird's name?
What type of perch box do you want for Polly?
All the Perch Boxes include two treats and three toys.
The Deluxe Perch Box also includes diets, with your choice of premium seed or pellet.
What type of activity does Polly enjoy?
Each box contains 1 foraging toy and 2 activity toys.
Please choose up to 2 of Polly
favorite activities from below.
Select toy 1 of 2
Destructible toys can help curb boredom and promote healthy physical and mental stimulation. They give
birds hours of fun playing as they pull and chew, trying their hardest to rip the toy apart.
Shredding toys are also great for relieving stress and boredom for your pet bird. Nothing is more fun
than tearing up a new toy!
Preening is a bird's way of grooming its feathers to keep them in the best condition. While preening,
birds remove dust, dirt, and parasites from their feathers and align each feather in the optimum
position relative to adjacent feathers and body shape. Most birds will preen several times a day to
keep themselves healthy.
Lack of activity leads to boredom which often results in frustration and abnormal, self-destructive
behaviors such as feather picking. It is possible to avoid these problems by utilizing a variety of
foraging devices placed at various levels in the cage or play area. Hiding food in various locations
throughout the cage will keep them busy, challenge their minds, stimulate their curiosity and make
eating more fun.
What type of activity does Polly enjoy?
Each box contains 1 foraging toy and 2 activity toys.Please choose up to 2 of Polly favorite activities from below.
Select toy 2 of 2
Destructible toys can help curb boredom and promote healthy physical and mental stimulation. They give
birds hours of fun playing as they pull and chew, trying their hardest to rip the toy apart.
Shredding toys are also great for relieving stress and boredom for your pet bird. Nothing is more fun
than tearing up a new toy!
Preening is a bird's way of grooming its feathers to keep them in the best condition. While preening,
birds remove dust, dirt, and parasites from their feathers and align each feather in the optimum
position relative to adjacent feathers and body shape. Most birds will preen several times a day to
keep themselves healthy.
Lack of activity leads to boredom which often results in frustration and abnormal, self-destructive
behaviors such as feather picking. It is possible to avoid these problems by utilizing a variety of
foraging devices placed at various levels in the cage or play area. Hiding food in various locations
throughout the cage will keep them busy, challenge their minds, stimulate their curiosity and make
eating more fun.
What type of food does Polly like?
Select bird food

Perch Box: X-Large
Toy 1:
Toy 2: